This sentence has stuck with me since the year 2000 when I heard Oprah Winfrey say those very words at one of her Personal Growth Summits in Chicago. I was in attendance for an evening of casual conversation with Oprah (along with a few thousand other women) and although I remember other things from that evening, those words have resonated with me over the past ten years. “What you focus on expands”. Her point is that if you spend just 30 minutes on any one thing every day, it will expand, grow, improve, or become bigger in your life.
If you spend 30 minutes a day focusing on the vacant land in your industrial park and how you can market it to the right people, eventually things will start to happen. If you spend 30 minutes a day cultivating relationships with retailers, brokers, site selectors or small business owners, that activity will bring results to your community. If you spend 30 minutes a day reviving your languishing business retention program, or continuing to call on existing business in your community, good things will start to happen for those businesses and for your community. If you spend 30 minutes a day working to improve relationships with your local elected officials, guess what? Those relationships WILL improve.
What you focus on expands – in your community, in your career, in your life. Invest some energy today!