Now is a terrific time for community redevelopment.  Now is also a terrific time to make sure your community is ready to pursue and win future economic development deals.  In difficult economic times, job creation is the focus.  Whether those jobs come from newly created companies, existing companies in your community, or existing companies not yet in your community, the environment needs to right.  It’s like preparing the soil for spring planting.  The soil needs to be fertilized, watered and ready to receive and grow the seeds that will be planted.

What businesses want are low taxes, reasonable regulation and strong physical and intellectual infrastructure.  Just as successful businesses implement strong customer service attitudes and practices, so should municipal government.  The business community makes up a large part of a community’s customer base.  If those in regulating offices could assume a customer service attitude, and implement customer (i.e.: business) friendly practices, business would be done easier and more efficiently.  This can start with streamlining of zoning, licensing and permitting processes.  It doesn’t mean the door is open to renegade, anything goes policies, but a fresh look at zoning regulations and the actual process a business must go through to license and permit their processes is necessary. 

In addition to streamlining municipal processes, elected officials should be looking at efficient delivery of all critical public infrastructure.  This includes proper staffing, transportation infrastructure, funding mechanisms, and overall delivery of services.  There is an appropriate time to outsource as well.  If delivery of a service can be done more efficiently by contracting with a private sector provider, it should be considered.  One recent example can be found in Atlanta with their Public Property Vending Program.  The City found a private sector partner to breathe new life into a program which leased space to street vendors.  A new vibrant market is being created. 

What are the possibilities for your community?